62% renewable electricity consumption at Orkla India
87% renewable electricity consumption at Bommassandra factory
Mid-day Meal Programme
1.3 million meals
MTR launched this progamme to provide nutritious food to underprivileged children to ensure they stay in school. In 2015, we collaborated with the Akshaya Patra Foundation to provide more than a million midday meals. In 2023, we have provided more than 1.3 million midday meals and impacted around 30,000 children.
Water Replenishment
40 million liters of rainwater harvesting capacity created
With the purpose to build and renovate village ponds and farm ponds to harvest rainwater and recharge groundwater. We collaborated with the Myrada to recharge 40 million liters of water in Karnataka through rainwater harvesting in schools and by renovating and constructing water ponds in the community. In 2023, we have constructed 40 million liters of rainwater harvesting capacity and impacted around 5,000 lives.
Love Plastic
reaching to 1.2 million children in 2800 schools for educating them on waste segregation and management.
Safe Products
We strictly follow Orkla Food Safety Standard (OFSS) at our own manufacturing as well as suppliers to ensure product safety and quality
Three manufacturing units are at Green level as per OFSS